"Footprints" The story of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary, Part I, by Bernadine Pieper, CHM
Download Footprints: #1 pdf #2 pdf #3 pdf #4 pdf
"Humility Woman" is a 12-page booklet containing poems, prayers and reflections by CHMs. Quotes and definitions from these works can be found throughout this site. Download "Humility Woman"...

"Mustard Seed: A Celebration of 125 Years in America" Published by the HM/CHM Committee. Download "Mustard Seed"
"Biography of Mother Mary of the Angels Maujean" - Founder of the Western Foundation of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary 1828-1902. by Mary Eulalia Warin. Download Maujean Biography

"Spirituality of the Sisters of Humility" by Bernadine Pieper, CHM. Download HERE

"Sisters of Humility in Montana 1906-1986" by Maurine Sofranko, CHM. Download HERE

The history of women's religious communities during the past 50 years is only now being written. Kathleen Mullen, a former CHM sister, wrote "One Among Many," which details the transformation of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary in the wake of Vatican II. "One Among Many" is available by calling Sister Lynn at 563-336-8416.

"Spirit of the Prairie: Catering to the Soul" Vol II - a cookbook featuring delicious recipes served at Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat - a ministry of the Sisters of Humility near Wheatland, Iowa. The cookbook is available by calling Sister Lynn at 563-336-8416.

Emmy-winning journalist and author Cokie Roberts presented "Nuns in American History: Women of Conscience and Courage in March 2014 in celebration of the Sisters of Humility 150th Anniversary of ministering in the United States.
- Click here for 1 minute video of Cokie talking about the courage of the Sisters of Humility.
- Click here for entire 30 minute presentation.
Earth as Our Home Booklet: Too often when we hear the word 'house' we only think of a physical building and its rooms. But what if we began to think of Earth as our house - with various rooms - what would we need to do to make this 'house' a true 'home?' The Catholic Sisters for a Healthy Earth have prepared a reflection booklet on the various rooms of a house, placing each room and its activities into the broader context of our Earth-home. The booklet is available as a free download by clicking here.
"Sisters" is a one-hour documentary film that takes the audience into the life stories of five American nuns. A film about faith, hope, and love seen through the eyes of five women who have committed their lives to the service of others in the deepest way. How do they experience the presence of god? How did they come to embrace this life and its sacrifices? What happens when they fall in love? What happens when they experience cruelty an death--the loss of a mother, the merciless randomness of a child's cancer? What is the anchor of their faith? Through the vivd prism of these women's lives, we experience the profound hopes and yearnings of the human spirit, the risks and rewards of a generous heart.
"Women & Spirit - Catholic Sisters in America"- Discover a world few have seen, but millions have shared. Women & Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America DVD is a remarkable resource for providing education on the life of women religious and their contributions to this nation from 1727 to the present.This is a resource that has been proven valuable for use within religious institutes, as well as in churches, schools, chancery offices, vocation offices, women’s groups, libraries, an more. Proceeds from the sale of the DVDs go to support LCWR's mission of service to Catholic sisters serving in leadership today.
On the DVD is a 56-minute documentary, narrated by Cokie Roberts, that chronicles the story of women religious in this country. Also on the DVD are a film study guide and images and videos from the Women & Spirit traveling exhibit.
"Band of Sisters" - The Remarkable Journey of Catholic Nuns in the United States. "Band of Sisters" tells the story of Catholic nuns and their work for social justice after Vatican II of the 1960s. For Catholics who wonder what became of the nuns they knew in habits and convents many years ago, for activists who may feel profoundly discouraged given the problems of today's world, for women seeking equality in their church, and for people of all faiths yearning for an inclusive and contemplative spirituality, Band of Sisters challenges us to ask what really matters in life. And as we seek what matters, how do we go about changing our lives and the world around us?