Public Defense for Immigrants
The only solution to this problem is to create a nation wide public defender program funded by the government like the system of legal representation for indigent criminal defendants.
Read MoreThe only solution to this problem is to create a nation wide public defender program funded by the government like the system of legal representation for indigent criminal defendants.
Read MoreCHM Associate Kathleen Collins brings her drums to Humility of Mary Center where sisters join in a drum circle sending prayers up with the beat.
Read MoreThe morning was full of excitement as the veterans looked forward to the day's events and the sharing of their experiences serving our country. As a member of the photo club it was an honor to...
Read MoreCHM sisters are known for sharing their time, talents and treasure with communities in which they live. Have you ever wondered how this sharing extends into their own biological families?
Read MoreThe impact of the CHM Associate Program is the deepening of special relationships with both the associates and sisters. The many friends I have made I consider as my second family.
Read MoreListen Up with Your Heart! To celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW), March 8-14, 2019, area Catholic Sisters and Davenport's African American Council for the Arts are producing three...
Read MoreSisters have been involved with busy student retreats for a number of years, and I feel blessed to continue the tradition.
Read More“In Your ways are peace; May we all hasten to follow Your call to become peacemakers in the here and now.”